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Item MetadataTitleDexterity enhancement in microsurgery using a microgripper and motion-scaling systemCreatorDate Issued1996DescriptionThe design and control of a six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) force-reflecting motion-scalingteleoperation system was presented in 1. In this thesis, a remotely controlled microgripperis developed as an end-effector for this system. The device features small size andweight, and large stroke and force compared to other designs. A stylus-shaped teleoperationmaster that measures the force at the fingers of the operator provides an intuitivemeans for operating the microgripper. This design also enables the microgripper to beused as a hand-held instrument.
Force sensing enables the accurate measurement andcontrol of tool-tissue forces, as well as the emulation of different mechanical devices. Issuesconcerning the design, control, and application to microsurgical tasks are addressedhere.6-DOF force/torque sensing has also been added to the teleoperation system, enablingthe use of hand and environment forces to improve teleoperation transparency, and enablingthe measurement of forces during microsurgery. Several methods for teleoperationcontrol have been implemented, and their potential use in microsurgery is discussed. Inaddition, experiments have been conducted to quantify the effects of scaled motion andscaled force feedback on teleoperation performance in tasks involving sub-millimetre motionsand contact forces from 3 to 15 grams. Significant improvements in accuracy of taskexecution as well as operator confidence and fatigue were observed when scaled motionand scaled force feedback were provided.Extent10086742 bytesGenreTypeFileFormatapplication/pdfLanguageengDate Available2009-02-10ProviderVancouver: University of British Columbia LibraryRightsFor non-commercial purposes only, such as research, private study and education. Additional conditions apply, see Terms of Use.DOI10.14288/1.0065149URIDegreeProgramAffiliationDegree GrantorUniversity of British ColumbiaGraduationDate1996-05CampusScholarly LevelGraduateAggregatedSourceRepositoryDSpaceDownloadMedia 9.62MB MetadataJSON:JSON-LD:RDF/XML (Pretty):RDF/JSON:Turtle:N-Triples:Original Record:Full Text CitationFull Text.
D E X T E R I T Y E N H A N C E M E N T I N M I C R O S U R G E R Y U S I N G A M I C R O G R I P P E R A N D M O T I O N - S C A L I N G S Y S T E M Shyan K u B.Eng. (Electrical, Honours) McGi l l University, 1989 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL F U L F I L L M E N T OF T H E REQUIREMENTS FOR T H E D E G R E E OF M A S T E R OF APPLIED SCIENCE in T H E FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard T H E UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA April 1996 © Shyan K u, 1996 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or by his or her representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada Date DE-6 (2/88) Abstract The design and control of a six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) force-reflecting motion-scaling teleoperation system was presented in 1. In this thesis, a remotely controlled microgrip-per is developed as an end-effector for this system.
The device features small size and weight, and large stroke and force compared to other designs. A stylus-shaped teleoper-ation master that measures the force at the fingers of the operator provides an intuitive means for operating the microgripper. This design also enables the microgripper to be used as a hand-held instrument. Force sensing enables the accurate measurement and control of tool-tissue forces, as well as the emulation of different mechanical devices.
Is-sues concerning the design, control, and application to microsurgical tasks are addressed here. 6-DOF force/torque sensing has also been added to the teleoperation system, enabling the use of hand and environment forces to improve teleoperation transparency, and en-abling the measurement of forces during microsurgery. Several methods for teleoperation control have been implemented, and their potential use in microsurgery is discussed. In addition, experiments have been conducted to quantify the effects of scaled motion and scaled force feedback on teleoperation performance in tasks involving sub-millimetre mo-tions and contact forces from 3 to 15 grams. Significant improvements in accuracy of task execution as well as operator confidence and fatigue were observed when scaled motion and scaled force feedback were provided.
N Table of Contents Abstract ii List of Tables vi List of Figures vii Acknowledgements 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Microsurgery. 1 1.2 Teleoperation in Microsurgery 2 1.2.1 Teleoperation Systems 2 1.2.2 Microgripper End-Effectors 4 1.3 The U B C Motion-Scaling Teleoperation System for Microsurgery. 6 1.4 Thesis Overview.
10 2 Microgripper Design 2.1 Requirements 2.1.1 Mechanical Design 2.1.2 Performance. 2.1.3 Safety. 14 2.2 New Design '.
1 5 2.3 Flexural Suspension ^ 2.3.1 Kinematics '. ^ iii ( 2.3.2 Bending Characteristics 19 2.4 Actuation 23 2.5 Sensing. 27 2.6 Microgripper Master. 28 3 Control 31 3.1 System Overview 31 3.2 Microgripper Control. 33 3.2.1 Open-Loop Control 33 3.2.2 Hybrid Control.
34 3.2.3 Frequency Response 35 3.2.4. Device Emulation 40-3.3 6-DOF Force-Reflecting Motion-Scaling Teleoperation Control 42 3.3.1 Force/Torque Sensor 43 3.3.2 Force/Torque Observer.
44 3.3.3 Parameter Identification. 47 3.3.4 PID Control 50 3.3.5 Computed Torque Feedforward Control 57 3.3.6 Static Friction Emulation 63 4 Experiments 67 4.1 Overview; 67 4.2 Manual Dexterity 67 4.2.1 Task Design. 68 4.2.2 Performance Measures 69 4.3 Motion Scaling Experiment '. 70 4.3.1 Apparatus 70 iv 4.3.2. Task 71 4.3.3 Performance Evaluation 72 4.3.4 Results 73 4.4 Scaled Force Feedback Experiment 76 4.4.1 Apparatus 76 4.4.2 Task 76 4.4.3 Performance Evaluation. 77 4.4.4 Results 77 4.5 Motions and Forces in Microsurgery. 81 4.6 Simulated Microsurgery Experiment 82 4.6.1 Apparatus 82 4.6.2 Results., 82 5 Conclusions 86 5.1 Contributions 86 5.2 Future Work.; 87 Bibliography ®0 Appendices 05 A Microsurgical Instrumentation and Procedures 05 B Sterilization Methods 100 C Force/Torque Sensor Wiring and Interface 104 v List of Tables 1.1 Maglev Manipulator Characteristics.
9 2.1 Microgripper characteristics 19 2.2 Stiffness of Flexural Suspensions (Brass) 23 2.3 Solenoid Actuator Characteristics;.
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